Monday, February 1, 2010

The question is...

We've all heard it before, the cock-and-bull line about "Opposites attract." It's up there on the list of most cliched cliches about relationships imaginable. But it must have some truth to merit its overuse...

It's been plaguing me for days. I can't imagine how this can possibly be true. If you've got nothing in common, no hobbies or dreams, nothing, how can a relationship work? For the past few posts, I have been focusing on my undefined relationship with a once-upon-a-time-boyfriend. Today I realized that I have very little or nothing in common with this O.U.A.T.B. Actually, I may have mentioned it yesterday, but I fully realized today just how very little we share outside of each other.

In addition to the short list of differences I wrote yesterday, there is also this: He doesn't want to live in a big city and Philadelphia terrifies him, while I plan to live in New York City or Philadelphia for the rest of my life and I love the big city.

This, to me, couldn't be any more glaring a difference.

Ultimately, I found all of these differences too big to ignore. And because neither of us can change who we are, and despite our efforts to share one another's passions, we stopped being "us."

So, when you have nothing in common, the question is either: "What's the matter?" or "Is it everything that matters?"

I hope you'll find that for you, the question is the former.

(The above is an image of Sarah Jessica Parker, as Carrie Bradshaw, in Sex and the City: The Movie.)

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