Sunday, January 31, 2010


In life, I find myself wondering "What Would Carrie Bradshaw Do?"

Today is no exception. I'm facing a possible Mr. Big situation. As in I may know who my Mr. Big is. And I'm not sure how to handle it.

For those of you who don't know what I mean, "a Mr. Big" is someone who comes in and out of your life because you will never be over them. Some would say you were fated to be together. And I think I know who I should be with. It seems the universe is telling me this is true. Even my best friend Nicole, the cheerleader for love that she is, is telling me I should get back together with O.U.A.T.B.

And earlier, O.U.A.T.B. and I were chatting on Yahoo! IM and he was flirting and I wasn't not flirting.

But there are things about him that drive me crazy. Like we don't have anything in common -- I love to read, he can't spell; I write, he doesn't read what I write; and most importantly, I want to be single right now. I've got too much going on to be in a relationship. At least a long distance one.

And despite what Nicole says, there are some things that I don't think love can overcome when nothing else has changed. Distance would still be an issue. And I don't know if he'd be better at keeping me in the loop. I just don't see where it could really work.

Plus, and I repeat, I want to be single. I like not having to report to anyone. I like that I can look at all the boys in my class and not feel guilty for staring at the really cute ones. I went to an all-girls school for high school and I don't want to have to be a nun in college because my boyfriend doesn't go to my school.

God... and the flirting. It was fun flirting with O.U.A.T.B. today but I don't know how to make sure he isn't getting the wrong idea about what I want. It actually made me a little nauseous, worrying that he wants to get back together.

Carrie could tell me what to do. I'm convinced of it.

(The above image is of Carrie Bradshaw dining in Paris from an episode of Sex and the City.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know we haven't talked...but I feel like when we are seriously considering Mr.Big... It would be nice to know what's going in your life. I love you and I love your writing but I feel like we are becoming electronic friends and honestly... I just miss my bella rosella.