Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Perfectly (in)compatible?

We've got a lot in common. A shared love of literature, knowledge of proper grammar, dark humor and wit, list of preferred European countries despite the fact that neither of us has been there, and a shared interest in crazy "performers" who post laughable videos on YouTube. You name it, we've got it in common. We even seem to possess the traits the other is searching for in a mate -- like that he reads the things I write.

But we'll never date.

He's my best guy friend -- I don't have a good reason for making this distinction between male and female friends except that most people do -- and his name is Mike. Like my dad. This is just another reason why we'll never date.

The other, because both of us have height hangups, is that we're not physically compatible. As previously mentioned, I'm a tall girl with a high heel fetish. I prefer my men taller than me (although this has never actually been the case in past relationships). And Mike prefers his women smaller than he.


The reason I bring all this up -- and please pardon my long journey to this, the point of the post -- is that I find it incredible (as in "hard to believe") that two people could be so compatible and never work out or even have a glimmer of a chance together.

How can that be?

I can hardly think of a suitable movie or literature example actually -- which is weird to me. So if it's obviously not a topic of discussion in the public consciousness, then it must not happen often, right? I don't know. Are Mike and I a freak case?

Oh, by the way, ladies, Mike's a total babe and very available! If you like poetry (which he writes), hate double negatives (like "I ain't not..."), want to visit France and England particularly, love Chinese food and appreciate a proper cheesesteak, like a well-dressed man, and are saving yourself for marriage, you're perfect for Mike. Email me and maybe one of us can have a happenin' love life!

(The above image is of Andrew McCarthy and Demi Moore in St. Elmo's Fire.)

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