Monday, February 22, 2010

A chicken and a mouse

I apologize for my week long absence. It was an unplanned sabbatical -- I've been sicker this year than ever before -- except possibly kindergarten year (that was before I had my tonsils removed). Anywho.

Life is grand today, it truly is.

Up until an hour ago, it was a bad day. But it's amazing how, when one tiny little dream comes true, it can brighten your day.

I regret that I must be so vague today, but what happened for me is just a tiny step closer to one dream that I'd rather not disclose until it comes true all the way.

As for how bad my day was going before this mysterious turn of fortune, there is this which hung like a cloud over my morning: I totally fucking chickened out.

I was going to give my phone number to this total babe who has a class in the same room as my Creative Acts class (only just before it) but when he exited the classroom today, I lost my nerve. He was talking with a friend and surrounded by classmates and that's a hard thing for me to handle.

Coward, that's what I am. A mousy coward.

I grew increasingly nervous on my way to class this morning and then when I saw him, I choked. How could I? Normally I'm super brave and can put myself out there, no problem.

With this one kid, it's been like a mental block is stopping me. Something is seriously wrong here.

I can't even say with certainty that I plan to attempt this again on Wednesday. Knowing me I'll likely lose nerve again.

But then again, with the good thing that happened today, maybe I don't even want to pursue that guy anymore.

What to do?

(The above image is of 30 Rock star Tina Fey which appeared in an issue of Harper's Bazaar.)


Michele Elaine said...

Aww, sorry to hear you didn't get your chance. But don't loose faith!! I'm sure you'll get the courage up to do it. You have a lot of guts to even consider it in the first place. And hope whatever good thing is happening proves to get even better. :D

Rosella Eleanor LaFevre said...

Thank you, darling! Today his class wasn't there again... I don't know if I'm going to try again... We'll see. And I'll have to tell you about the good thing!