Monday, February 21, 2011

Love Lesson No. 2: The Honeymooners

This is a series of lessons I've learned about love, arranged in no particular order. These lessons have been gleaned from personal experience, friends' stories, movies, books, magazine articles, etc. If you want to share a lesson you've learned about love, email me (

The most popular post I've ever written here is "Phasin'," which has up to this very moment received 143 pageviews. In that post, I wrote about the honeymoon phase which is supposed to be the first 90 days of any relationship. Today, I still believe that the honeymoon phase does not have to end -- or it can, at least, last a much longer time than three months.

Chris and I, as of Valentine's Day one week ago, have been together eight months and it still feels like we're phasin'.

I think a large part of this has to do with the fact that we make each other feel loved every day. We do small things for one another and... I'm almost embarrassed to admit, say "I love you" to each other several times a day.

Knowing that we care about each other is half the battle of keeping that honeymoon feeling alive and maintaining a healthy relationship, I believe. It seems to me that the reason older couples find themselves unhappy is because, in the every day hustle and bustle, it's easy to forget to say those three words with meaning.

It's certainly easy to take one another for granted, but perhaps half of the "work" people think they need to do in a relationship could be eliminated if they just remembered to say those words with a smile.

image via weheartit

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