Saturday, March 20, 2010

Go ahead, hate on me

Someone left a comment on my blog post "The world is your wonderbra!" that reads "News flash: You are not Carrie Bradshaw." Whoever it was that did that wasn't brave enough to share their name. This post is a love letter to him/her and the other haters.

Dear Anonymous Hater,

First of all: Because you so clearly have visited my blog and have left a comment, you are what Google Analytics would consider a reader. So thanks for being a reader, Anonymous Hater.

Eventually when I make the move to monetize my blog, you, added to the number of others who read (and enjoy) Vered's The Penny Jar, will just increase my appeal to advertisers. So thanks again, 'cause you're helping me make money in the long run!

Furthermore, I fully realize I am not Carrie Bradshaw. Sure, the fictional narrator and main character of the hit TV show and the movies is one of my influences but it's just that: an influence.

I am ROSELLA ELEANOR LaFEVRE and I know this. After all of the shit I've been through, I wouldn't want to be anyone else.

I do many original things in my blog, Anonymous Hater.

More than that, I am a whole lot more vulnerable in my blog than Bradshaw is in her columns. This is the place where I lay down on a table and open my chest to show you my heart and you have the cowardice to shit on it without even revealing your identity?

You are clearly someone who knows me well enough to know my influences. So I guess that means someone I have been kind to secretly despises me -- for whatever reason.

Unless, of course, you've been reading long enough to have seen some Carrie Bradshaw influence in my work. In that case, I don't need to illustrate the ways in which your original comment is undue. So thanks again for being a reader, Anonymous Hater.

Here's a question, Anonymous Hater: What, if anything, have you contributed to the creative landscape of the world?

While maybe you dislike or disagree with my writing, I have very clearly evoked some kind of strong feeling in you and that, my friend, is what good writing should do. I write and bare my soul and maybe I've touched upon a vein in you that makes you bitter.

And while I am fine with your opinion -- everyone is entitled to them -- I'd like to share a friendly warning: When you send negative vibes out into the world, you get them back tenfold.

Beyond that, please note that the post you commented on was one in which I wished for my readers to be happy and to feel supported, and you attempted to tear me down. Too bad, Anonymous Hater, that you didn't pick on a weaker person. You've become my fuel and I can't wait to watch you burn.

Whatever your wishes for me, I hope you have a good life.

Rosella Eleanor LaFevre

P.S. In the words of my Girls' High sister Jill Scott:
"In reality I'm gon' be who I be and I don't feel no faults... Hate on me, hater, now or later... 'Cause I'm gonna do me, you'll be mad, baby"


Becca said...

love it! you're the best, rosella :)

Rosella Eleanor LaFevre said...

Aw, thanks, Becca! :D

Michele Hannon said...

Dear Anonymous Hater.

Screw you. Her writing's beautiful so what do you care if she likes Carrie? I happen to think Rosella's style is different and better anyway.


Dear Rosella Eleanor LaFevre (said with a french accent)

You pwn.


Anna Hyclak said...

You can't let little comments like this get to you. Just wait until you start getting hate-filled e-mails from total strangers, ripping you to shreds, after they read a story that you wrote that they didn't agree with. I've been blasted all over the place, including on Internet forums, and had people say things like "It's like she thinks she's a National Enquirer reporter" and "#unfollowannahyclak."

But! It's only going to be worse if you write about your personal life on a blog and post it to Facebook and Twitter. You're definitely going to get comments like this from time to time... that's just the nature of the biz. People you know can sometimes be much more brutal than people you don't know.

I would suggest, in the future, not responding at all... because writing something like this shows the person that you DO care and obviously were upset or at least pissed off about it. Just ignore it; that's probably the classiest way to handle it. Or, if they leave an e-mail address, send them a personal e-mail (but don't get too bitter in the e-mail... just keep it short and simple).

Rosella Eleanor LaFevre said...

Thanks for your advice Anna. I realize I'm going to get hate mail an I'm fine with that. I was upset though and I don't feel I needed to hide it. I think my response was totally justified and it made me feel better so that's what matters most to me.