Friday, September 11, 2009

Enjoy Intermission.

Apparently, every time I go on Facebook, I see something that in my mind warrants my doling out advice. I should start charging for this stuff.

So my friend T from high school posted on her status that she is "fat and alone" and blamed one on the other. And so, after I told her to "SHUT. UP.," I wrote this:

"Loneliness is like the intermission in a movie. Sure they got rid of them, but I don't understand why. This is your chance to fill up on candy, drink some bubbly (either alcoholic or not), and just have a moment to think before the action starts again. Enjoy the fucking shit out of it."

These things just come to me... "Fuck, I'm good! How do I get these ideas? It's like a gift, you know? It's like I can't control it." (Sorry, couldn't resist quoting The Girl Next Door.)

Please enjoy intermission. :)

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