Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A small victory

In a fit of ambition this weekend, I submitted various short stories of mine 36 times (I submitted multiple stories to certain outlets). Since then, I've received four rejections and one acceptance. The email from Fresh! Literary Magazine announcing they'd published my short story "Urgent Care" on their website was my first acceptance from a literary magazine. I felt like a balloon set to burst when I got that email on my beautiful little BlackBerry. Not only was it published online, but it will be considered for publication in their February anthology.

This reward for all of my years of laboring over my fiction (and my intensified efforts over the past few weeks) has not indicated to me that I've made. Surely, I'm not that naive, but how refreshing it is to have an objective third party confirming my greatest hopes and granting my dearest wishes.

It's like winning a huge battle in a war you thought you had already lost.

To stop beaming is hard. I love writing; it's the one thing I've always been good at and the one thing I've always wanted to do. If I want to continue getting my fiction published, I'd better get back to writing it.

If you read the story and want to share your thoughts, feel free to email me!


(pic from weheartit)


Laura said...

Proud. Of. You. Yes. I. Am.

Well done LaFeev!

Rosella Eleanor LaFevre said...

Aw, thank you, lovey. <3