Friday, December 25, 2009

Rules, playing fields and landmines

In the world of Waldorf (Santa treated this journalist to the second season of Gossip Girl), the ex who dates first is the one who wins.

But it's not winning when you date someone else or at least give dating someone else a shot and end up realizing that while, yes, you can move on, you don't want to.

All I can think about is what I want and what I'm not getting. I'm not enjoying myself or living in the moment. I'm not sure anymore if I can open up to a new guy. And if I do, what pace should I take?

Guys are scared easily, from my experience, but if you decide to let things unfold naturally, and to open up as you feel comfortable, they want you to open up right away. I don't know.

The thing is all about rules... When there are no rules, the playing field's riddled with landmines and the players, taking their lives into their hands.

I can understand why a player would wish to return to known territory. I mean, it's not exactly in my war plans. Just saying, I can understand why.

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