Saturday, March 14, 2009


Today I have been given much reason to think about cosmic signs and destiny. Usually when I have to make a choice, I look for cosmic signs to tell me which choice to make. Today, I took a chance on prom dress shopping. I thought if I find the perfect dress at the perfect price, I'll bite the bullet, pay for prom (pretty late...) and just go alone. I found the perfect dress and it was the last one of that style at the store and then the attendant who was helping me put it back on the rack and by the time I realized it, it was gone! It was a sign! I'm not going to prom.

Little things like this happen all the time. And sometimes the signs aren't to help me make a decision, but just to get me somewhere to make something happen. I believe in fate, signs, and deja vu, too.

I have deja vu all the time. It's this vague feeling or flash that tells me I have been here, seen this, done this some time before or at least I've dreamed it. My theory is that we live our lives over and over again. The one variable in my theory that I haven't worked out and am having trouble working out is whether or not things change in each lap around the track. I guess this is the same as asking the question: Do you make your own destiny? I don't know... I'm so confused about it all... 

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